ALS launch improvement to Dietary Fibre Method

Wednesday 18th June 2014

As part of it's on-going investment in new technology and commitment to customer service, ALS is pleased to announce the implementation of an improvement to the Dietary Fibre Method (AM/C/309) used at its newly expanded nutritional chemistry laboratory at Chatteris.

This process improvement involves microwave technology to dry samples after filtration and has 2 significant benefits:

Firstly, it significantly reduces the time taken to complete the testing therefore allowing analysts to release results to customers earlier in the day. As a result of this, it also creates additional capacity for this test within the laboratory.

ALS's Chatteris site has recently benefited from a £3m expansion of its facilities with the creation of a major new Microbiology Laboratory and Nutritional Chemistry Laboratory.

To find out more or to request a quote please contact our Customer Service Team on 01354 697 028.

Chatteris new block external view